• Extending the EI Sickness Benefits from 15 to 26 weeks – to likely take effect summer/fall 2022
  • Improving the Premium Reduction Program (PRP) – to likely take place summer 2023

What’s the effect on Clients this year?

  • For Clients who qualify for the PRP, there won’t be any immediate impact. We expect the status quo to continue until the federal government changes the program.
  • For Clients with an integrated STD/EI plan, they may wish to align with the new 26-week benefit period. If your Clients wish to adjust their STD benefit period, or LTD elimination period in the future, they can contact you or their Sun Life group benefits representative.

What’s coming up in 2023

The government is exploring how to improve the PRP. Sun Life will continue to engage in active conversations with the federal government.

We’ll share this Focus Update with Plan Sponsors on May 19, 2022.

Questions? We’re here to help.

Please contact your Sun Life Group Benefits representative.