Last updated: August 19, 2024

There are many different investment, income and retirement options to choose from. Here’s a look at investment plans, accounts and products that can help you reach your financial goals.

Registered investment & retirement plans

These government-registered plans and accounts let you grow your savings tax-deferred or tax-free under certain terms and conditions.

Registered retirement savings plan (RRSP)

An RRSP helps you save for your retirement. Your contributions into this plan are tax-deductible. And, the income earned  within your RRSP are tax-deferred until you make withdrawals.

Tax-free savings account (TFSA)

A TFSA helps you save money for any purpose. Although contributions aren’t tax-deductible, your investments can grow tax-free and you can make withdrawals at any time without paying tax.

First home savings account (FHSA)

A FHSA helps you save money to buy or build a qualifying first home tax-free. Your contributions into this plan are tax-deductible. You can make tax-free withdrawals for up to 15 years to buy a qualifying home. If you don’t buy a home, any unused funds may be transferred directly to an RRSP.

Locked-in retirement account (LIRA)

A LIRA is like an RRSP, but the funds in the plan come from a pension plan instead of RRSP contributions. But unlike an RRSP, LIRAs have withdrawal restrictions.

Registered education savings plan (RESP)

An RESP helps you save for a child's post-secondary education or training. Your contributions into this plan aren’t tax-deductible, and any income earned within the plan is tax-deferred until withdrawals are made.

Registered retirement income fund (RRIF)

A RRIF is an investment account that pays you income during retirement. There’s a minimum amount that you must withdraw from a RRIF each year. Funds in this plan are tax-deferred until withdrawals are made.

Life income fund (LIF)

A LIF is like a RRIF. It pays you income during retirement. There’s a minimum amount you must withdraw from a LIF each year and there’s a maximum limit too. Funds in this plan are tax-deferred until withdrawals are made.

Restricted life income fund (RLIF) & locked-in retirement income fund (LRIF)

An RLIF or an LRIF turns your locked-in pension funds into retirement income. There's a minimum amount you must withdraw from a LIF each year and there's a maximum limit too.

Investment products & retirement income options

These products and options are great ways to manage your savings and receive an income during retirement.

Mutual funds

A mutual fund combines the money from many investors into a pool. These pools of money are invested in stocks, bonds or other securities. Each pool is managed by a professional investment manager.

Segregated fund contracts

A segregated fund is an investment fund that combines the growth potential of a mutual fund with the estate planning benefits of a life insurance contract. These contracts offer guarantees and some additional benefits which can help protect your investments.

Guaranteed interest products

We offer two types: insurance GICs and trust GICs.  Your principal and interest are guaranteed, safeguarding you from changes in the market.

Life and term certain annuities

A payout annuity is an income-generating insurance product. These contracts  provide you with periodic payments for either a fixed period of time or for the rest of your life. This can help you meet your financial needs during retirement.

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This information is meant for educational and illustrative purposes only. Some conditions, exclusions and restrictions apply.