Here are two new tools that can help:
  1. Our Guide to Organizational Resilience
  2. The second video in our 3-part series: Resilience

Guide to Organizational Resilience

Our Guide to Organizational Resilience focuses on the role of resilience through the lens of organizational and employee health.

A key fact about resilience is that it’s not static. We can all learn, train and further develop it. Whether we’re naturally resilient or not, we can build our resilience over time.

This guide highlights the five attributes that many psychologists view as being foundational for building resilience. It sets out the actions employers can take to support employee resilience. It also highlights the Sun Life resources that support each of the five attributes.

Building resilience video

Our video series on mental health provides tips and highlights resources that can help employers improve workplace mental health.

We’re pleased to release our second video, Resilience. The video highlights some habits that can help people build their resilience. For many, all it takes is a small shift in habits and mindset.

We released our first video, Inclusive Language, in October. It focuses on the importance of inclusive language to create psychologically safe workplaces. We’ll be releasing the third and final video in this series, Prevention, in the weeks ahead.

We understand that fostering resilience is one small way we can help Canadians overcome difficulties and setbacks. By highlighting to employees how strong they really are, it will help them:

  • tap into the skills they have, and
  • build new ones.

Take action on mental health

The actions you take today can lay the foundation for creating and maintaining a healthy and productive workplace. We’re here to guide, support and encourage you in this journey.

Questions? We’re here to help.

If you have fewer than 50 employees, please contact the Client Relations Representative Team at 1-866-606-8936.

If you have more than 50 employees, please contact your Sun Life Group Benefits representative.