The evolution is here.

Term insurance like you've never seen before.

Help more Canadians get affordable, flexible, health-centred protection.


Video transcript: Imagine the potential of new term insurance solutions that give Clients options you never thought possible. Introducing Sun Life Evolve Term Insurance: Evolves with life's changes. Introducing Sun Life Term Insurance for Diabetes: An industry first – made for Canadians living with diabetes. Introducing Sun Life 1-Year Bridge Term Insurance: An industry first – coverage for postponed Clients. Affordable, flexible, health-centered solutions. Help more Canadians access coverage when they need it most. Join the evolution. Sun Life. We help. You grow.

Sun Life Evolve
Term Insurance

Parent holding child in the air

5- to 40-year coverage that Clients can increase at certain life stages with simplified underwriting.

Sun Life Term Insurance
for Diabetes

Woman in athletic wear checks her smartwatch

A first in the industry, it’s the only life insurance solution tailor-made for Canadians living with diabetes.

Sun Life 1-Year Bridge
Term Insurance

Man seated on the floor in front of ivy

A first in the industry, it gives postponed life insurance applicants coverage and time to resolve tests or diagnoses.

We help. You grow.